Adoption week 2 and 3

Well hello Darlings! 

Week two of my adoption journey was a total blur! Chris and Katelyn traveled with me to get a mantle that I have been dying for. I wanted to use the current t.v. stand for the nursery, so this gave me a place to put my tv and decorate, which I have always wanted! My mom painted it for me and made it look awesome! I am in love with it! I sent in my application to my consultant and they look everything over and decide if they want to move forward. My parents killed it at my house. Dad has added shelves, moved stairs, worked on porches, and hung the TV and lights. Mom has burned all the extra wood, hand dug a spot for the plants in the front, moved plants, spread pine straw, added a flag and lights, and helped paint. Some days I come home and things just look different (and better) I could not ask for better parents. The mantle gives me so much more room in my living room (for baby things) and the drawers are ready for diapers and tiny clothes.

Week three has been the hardest week so far.  Throughout this adoption journey, I knew there would be ups and downs. So far, it’s been bliss and congratulations, and happiness, until this week. The reality of being a single parent doesn’t scare me. I’ve always loved babies and kids and I know I can do this. The reality of PAYING for an adoption alone, while in college, all came to a halt this week. I have always kept it real, and even though southerners don’t like to talk about money, I am doing it anyway. Adoption is expensive, y’all.  I have barely even started, and I am about 8500 dollars in the hole already. The consultant costs money, your adoption profile costs money, and a home study will cost about $2500. All of that is during the inactive adoption phase. The active phase is going to cost more. It will be worth it, and I know this, but begging for money and working on fundraisers has been my second full time job. On top of that, the program I am in at GSU can’t be paid by financial aid, so I am going to have to drop my media specialists classes and that I hope that I can go back soon, but for now I will be saving money for my sweet angel to be. For now, I am taking it one day at a time, and praying my little heart out.

Of course after the rain, comes rainbows, and the very next day after my struggles, was an awesome day. My adoption consultants emailed me and officially accepted me as a client. I came to peace with my decision to move away from the media certification (for now). I started working harder on coming up with a financial plan (aka- begging you all for money) and fundraisers. I worked on a loan application, painted the nursery, and made my parents dinner. Let’s be real, they deserve more than dinner, but that’s all I got at the moment.

Adoption is an interesting journey. You are taking pictures for an adoption book of a nursery, for no one yet, but the nursery needs to be ready for the pictures. You haven’t had a baby shower yet, because you aren’t matched with a baby, so you have no stuff. It is a random backwards circle, but a circle I am super excited to be a part of. I can’t wait to finish the nursery and show you all pictures. Baby Darling is already a stylish mini human. Meanwhile, my hair is unwashed and in a messy bun. I am already practicing for motherhood. 

I would love to hear any ideas you have for a fundraiser, your favorite baby finds, or parent tips. As always, I am so thankful for every thought, prayer, and happy word you have all sent my way. I am so grateful for you all! Baby Darling is truly loved!



  1. Best advice: Keep your faith and trust in God during every step. He made you to be a pretty incredible person who has loved our kids so much as a teacher. I can’t wait to see God bless your socks off with a precious baby!!! You will be an amazing mommy! Maddie and I are praying for you and for little Baby Warren!


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