Adoption Journey Week 1
Week one of my "official" adoption announcement has come and gone and already this journey has been so amazing and crazy. I am so thankful for my family, especially my dad. He has been working so hard to replace my boards on my porch before my home inspection.
Dad and Chris put up the shed so I will now have a place to store all of my Christmas decorations. Zoey and Manolo approve.
I have also been baby-proofing the house. I love these outlet covers because I don't have to use the plugs that I can never get out. These just slide right out. You can find them here on Amazon.
(Please note that these links are Amazon affiliate links. I may earn a small commission at no extra charge to you! It helps keep this little blog going!)
I had my phone call with the adoption consultant company that I will hopefully be using. I am working on my application and meeting with my priest on Saturday to get a letter of recommendation. Meanwhile I am working on my application. I got a few questions so I wanted to answer what I know so far.
First, I will start working with my consultant. They pray for me and the adoptive momma that I will hopefully be matched with. They help me set up my home study and then we will work on the book that will be given to prospective matches. I will probably be active around January or February, so y'all keep me in your prayers! I will keep you all updated!
I have been looking into different fundraisers. Most fundraisers need you to be "actively looking" which is a good thing. Hopefully I will get to do some of those when I am active in the process. I will also be looking into loans because adoption is so expensive! I also think my registry is done (for now). I made two registries, one at Buy Buy Baby and one at Amazon. I highly suggest registering with Amazon. I love being able to see what is available, it being sent to my house, and being able to add when I need to. It is so easy to share! You can create one here!
Until next week's wrap up...
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